I decided that it had been too long since I'd last taken any photos of Lyric, so I brought my camera out to the barn tonight. After I had already ridden and untacked him, I remembered that I HAD the camera, so I took a few photos and this short video clip.
I also met a dressage trainer who is an "S"-rated dressage judge, who is at the barn twice a month to give a few people lessons. For my non-horsey and non-dressage friends, the ladder of dressage judges goes like so:
"L" Graduate (not officially licensed, program through USDF - I used to help run this as part of my job there). Up next is "r" (recorded), then "R" (Registered) and then, the highest level of licensing by the US Equestrian Federation (national level) - the "S" or Senior rating. Above that, officials are licensed through the FEI, which is the INTERnational organization in charge of such things. So she knows what she's talking about. I'm very excited for the opportunity to maybe ride with her a few times a month. I talked to her and she said that March would be a good time to start riding with her, and I explained about my new job and how Lyric is probably moving to Lakeville around March, so we'll have to work out the details. Regardless, I may have found me and Mr. Wonder Pony a dressage trainer! Now I just need to find us someone to teach us to jump and do cross-country.... :)
Here are a few of the still shots from the barn tonight. I'll try to remember to take photos of him when he's tacked up sometime soon. He's so handsome. :) *sigh*
The stocking actually says "Sir Lyric the Wonder Pony" but the "Sir" is mostly hidden here.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Q & Lyric
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